| Senin, 18 Maret 2013


                                            HOW TO MAKE A LAN NETWORK

           The computer network is the facility to accommodate the user's computer in order to interact with each other. Through the network, users can exchange files, sharing (sharing resources) of a hardware device, and even control the other computer remotely.We use the wired connection using a data cable UTP (unshielded twisted pair), which is the standard cable for LAN network connection. How to Create a LAN Network Computers are used today are already equipped with a LAN card or also known as NIC (Network Interface Controller), or Ethernet Card.
If the number of computers that will connect only two pieces, we just simply providing a single UTP cable length according to the distance between the computers on either end of the cable has been fitted with an RJ-45 (standard connector for wired LAN UTP) configuration with Cross / cross.
If the number of computers that will connect more than 2 pieces, then we need to add a tool called Switch or Hub. At the current price of a switch to standard housing is very affordable.
Of each - each computer connected to the switch using UTP cable with RJ-45 connectors at both ends with a configuration Straight / straight.
Installation of the plug on UTP cable can be made, but to ease margin, just go to the computer store that also provides network equipment, and just say to buy all pair UTP cable connector configuration with cross / cross to connect the computer to a computer (two computers) , or straight / straight for connection of more than 2 computers / use switch.Configure an IP address (Internet Protocol TCP / IP)

Equipment or material needed to create a computer network LAN:
1. Two or more PCs2. Network Card in keeping with the number of PCs3. Coaxial cable or UTP4. Hub when needed5. Terminator6. T-Connector

The next step dadalah as follows:Select the appropriate operating system, Ex: Windows or LinuxPrepare adequate computer servers, according to the number of clients.Select the type of network, Mis: Wired or Wireless Network.
Tools - Tools needed to create a LAN network:1. PC Servers2. OS (Operating System)3. Lan Card (for wired networks) or WLAN Card (U / Wireless)4. Cable UTP Cat 5 (u / network cable)5. Access Point (U / Wireless Networking)6. Switch or Hub (u / Network Cables)
7. RJ 45 (u / cable network)8. Cable cutter / crimping tool (u / network cable)
9. Cable Tester (u / Network Cables)The last step is setting the control panel network conection1. Network connection settings in controlpanel> networkConection2. Right-click the local area conection select properties3. Select the General TAB select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) select prporties
4. Select use the following IP address
5. Put IPadress: subnet mask: select OK7. Mycomputer right click select properties8. TAB select 'Computer Name' select the 'change'
9. in member of select 'workgorup'isi anything what eg' Semico '10. Fill 'Computer Name' anything what eg 'User 1'11. Select 'OK' to restart windows atomatis12. Do so on another computer with the terms 'Computer Name' to be different and have different Ip address others to be the same, ie another computer 'computer name' in content of 'user 2' and addressnya ip: for the ip address should be different the other only the last digit must be the same. The last digit in the IP address is a number to identify a computer business ad.

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